Sunday, October 21, 2012

What a fucking night!!

Holy crap, we had one hell of a night. I have this EVP that not only says the words it hears but it shows them on a screen. Everything it said had to do with the bathroom or the kitchen in MY apartment. It even requested some toilet paper, I obliged. While it was referring to the kitchen I said aloud "Give me a sign you are here, move that garbage bag or knock", about 30 seconds after I said that we heard a loud knock coming from the kitchen. To try to debunk it I checked all the windows and both doors leading outside and we didn't find anything, anyone, or a reason for the knock. My cats were scattered throughout the apartment, all asleep. My pregnant Siamese Blue eyed female cat was sound asleep in the bathroom in the sink (lol), my black cat was on the couch sleeping and my silver and white cat was sleeping on my bed, my husband was on a job, my son was sitting next to me, no one was outside, no one had pulled up. No reason what-so-ever for this knocking. So I decided to take a look at the EMF meter (Electro Magnetic field) in certain places in my apt it was off the charts. At my fireplace it went from 0 to 10 in less than a second. In my kitchen same thing. There is a reason for this to happen near my fireplace, gas lines run thru the brick fireplace. But my kitchen has no gas lines, my stove is electric there is no reason for gas lines. I thought it could be spiking in the kitchen because of electric lines that run thru the walls, but when I held it up to a large power source, (electric meters and outdoor lines) the needle didn't move. To debunk the fireplace thing I went outside and checked it against the gas meters and it spiked, so.... I once again turned everything off, and I unplugged everything I could unplug. (Next step is cutting power circuits in the basement. I told my child to be very quiet and I did a recording session. Again all I heard were whispering voices. I couldn't understand them. It sounded like a huge group of people all talking and whispering all of them at once. Again I tried to debunk it, I recorded in the closet, bedroom, bathroom, livingroom and kitchen all the same exact results. I don't get it, it's very obvious that there are people talking but I couldn't isolate any one voice.. 
  I have done EVP's in the past and I have heard someone shushing me, someone saying "mama", someone saying "Nor" I even got a direct answer to a question I asked. "no". I have had a few people listen to it without me telling them what was said and they all agree with me on what I have heard. I have many cool evp's which I still need to upload from my iPhone (yeah I am cool right? lol) I have wave editor which allows me to turn the volume up many 100's of times. WavePad Sound Editor. Pretty freaken cool. 
  I also think it's a good possibility that I may be telepathic, or psychic. Sound like I am just a train ride away from the Looney Bin. No I am very serious, I have taken various psychic ability tests and have passed them, I predicted my sons death 24 hours before he died. I straight out told my husband, while in almost a trance like state "Someone is gonna die" the next day I found out my son was gonna be stillborn. 2 months after that my then 1.5 yo almost died, 1 month later a friend committed suicide, less than a month after that my dad died. Soo......???!!!
I died a little inside with each death.. I have predicted commercials on TV before they came on, I have heard my phone ring a few seconds before it rang. Just small stuff like that (with exception of those deaths).  

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