Friday, October 5, 2012

Voices in the night

I have had some odd experiences in this apt over the last few days! I have a program on my laptop called "SoundPad" it's a great program and is one of my faves! You can get it on CNet downloads search for Soundpad

  I did some recording in my bedroom while there was no one home, everything was either unplugged or off, it was silent here. My neighbor was not home, and no one was outside...  I hit record on my computer and played it back and heard what sounded like a bunch of people talking very quietly. I wish I knew how to upload it cause it is freaky! It sounds like my bedroom is packed with spirits. I have caught EVP's of mainly women, and 1 male, like I wrote in my last blog. I caught, on a later EVP, a child who said very clearly "MAMA"! I caught breathing (woman).. I think I know who the woman is, I suspect it's a friends mother who died, cause we started seeing shadows and hearing voices (all 3 of us) the morning she died. So far to date none of the spirits have tried to harm us. They play tricks, the day I caught the EVP that sounded like several people talking softly, mid EVP the playback stopped on it's own, we have had things come up missing, and things being thrown at us. My son got smacked in the eye with a full pack of cigarettes, we have a fire place and the mantle is about 8-10 inches in width, the cigs were towards the wall and were no where near the edge of the mantle and they flew off like someone smacked them off. We all saw it happen, at the same time my cat  freaked out, I was and still am use to the spirits and I got pissed! I told them not to do that again!! They listened cause they never did that again! 

  The last time I wrote on this subject I thought I may have had a demon, I think I was also stoned (which I am not now). I saw shadows at night on my walls and I just felt scared, and like I was gonna die.. So I got me some sage, and some protection  stones and what ever it was is gone now and has not returned.. If you don't know what sage is for I will be happy to explain just leave a comment. 

  All I really wanted originally was to see my dad, that was it, I did not expect others to come...

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