Sunday, October 21, 2012

What a fucking night!!

Holy crap, we had one hell of a night. I have this EVP that not only says the words it hears but it shows them on a screen. Everything it said had to do with the bathroom or the kitchen in MY apartment. It even requested some toilet paper, I obliged. While it was referring to the kitchen I said aloud "Give me a sign you are here, move that garbage bag or knock", about 30 seconds after I said that we heard a loud knock coming from the kitchen. To try to debunk it I checked all the windows and both doors leading outside and we didn't find anything, anyone, or a reason for the knock. My cats were scattered throughout the apartment, all asleep. My pregnant Siamese Blue eyed female cat was sound asleep in the bathroom in the sink (lol), my black cat was on the couch sleeping and my silver and white cat was sleeping on my bed, my husband was on a job, my son was sitting next to me, no one was outside, no one had pulled up. No reason what-so-ever for this knocking. So I decided to take a look at the EMF meter (Electro Magnetic field) in certain places in my apt it was off the charts. At my fireplace it went from 0 to 10 in less than a second. In my kitchen same thing. There is a reason for this to happen near my fireplace, gas lines run thru the brick fireplace. But my kitchen has no gas lines, my stove is electric there is no reason for gas lines. I thought it could be spiking in the kitchen because of electric lines that run thru the walls, but when I held it up to a large power source, (electric meters and outdoor lines) the needle didn't move. To debunk the fireplace thing I went outside and checked it against the gas meters and it spiked, so.... I once again turned everything off, and I unplugged everything I could unplug. (Next step is cutting power circuits in the basement. I told my child to be very quiet and I did a recording session. Again all I heard were whispering voices. I couldn't understand them. It sounded like a huge group of people all talking and whispering all of them at once. Again I tried to debunk it, I recorded in the closet, bedroom, bathroom, livingroom and kitchen all the same exact results. I don't get it, it's very obvious that there are people talking but I couldn't isolate any one voice.. 
  I have done EVP's in the past and I have heard someone shushing me, someone saying "mama", someone saying "Nor" I even got a direct answer to a question I asked. "no". I have had a few people listen to it without me telling them what was said and they all agree with me on what I have heard. I have many cool evp's which I still need to upload from my iPhone (yeah I am cool right? lol) I have wave editor which allows me to turn the volume up many 100's of times. WavePad Sound Editor. Pretty freaken cool. 
  I also think it's a good possibility that I may be telepathic, or psychic. Sound like I am just a train ride away from the Looney Bin. No I am very serious, I have taken various psychic ability tests and have passed them, I predicted my sons death 24 hours before he died. I straight out told my husband, while in almost a trance like state "Someone is gonna die" the next day I found out my son was gonna be stillborn. 2 months after that my then 1.5 yo almost died, 1 month later a friend committed suicide, less than a month after that my dad died. Soo......???!!!
I died a little inside with each death.. I have predicted commercials on TV before they came on, I have heard my phone ring a few seconds before it rang. Just small stuff like that (with exception of those deaths).  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tonight is the night... I have been planning and buying what I need little bit by little bit. Tonight I attack, I have all the candles and the pictures and the space and privacy I need to do this ritual.I am planning a spiritual attack. I have spent months studying on how to do this and when a good time is. I am gonna get my revenge groove on!!

I need help!

I am assuming that people are stumbling on this blog by sheer accident, which is fine! I need someone who knows about "other worldly" stuff. And I am not talkin' aliens either!

  This event just happened to me today, just a few minutes ago, in my front room by the door. So I had these religious people knocking at the door wanting to know if I was saved by the light of Jesus, I stood there and with a straight face said: "All Hail Satan..." I swear I am not a Satan worshiper, I do not practice black magic, I do not worship anyone other than Christ... but I can not stand those Jehovah's (whatever) Witnesses... They do not have the same beliefs as I do, and I tried them once and I did not like them, so I sent them packing, and they're back! So anyways I was staring out the window at this particularly good looking JW and I turned around slightly and saw a human figure out of the corner of my eye. Instead of whipping around quickly as must people do when they see something odd out of the corner of their eye, I moved really (BTW the JW's left and moved on) (SLLLLLLLOOOOOWWWWWLLLLYYY (SLOWLY) and I saw it in all it's glory. It was human in form, (I didn't say it LOOKED human I said it was a human form,) It was a tan/orange color... The only way to describe the color of this thing is... someone used a lot of that fake sunless tanning lotion, the one that tuns you a strange orange/bronze color. It was a large being, stood over 6' tall. I did not see any facial details, it looked naked (I wonder if his dick matches his build? Prolly not) this makes me very nervous.. What could it be?????

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Last nights activity

Holy shit was my apt active last night. Even my 10yo son was seeing shadows, of coarse he is not scared cause he has been having these experiences all his life. I wish I could be that brave, I nearly shit myself when I see even a shadow. My kid also has seen apparitions, he has been touched on the head and neck, when he was much smaller he use to play alone and talk to himself. I now know that the being he was talking too was not a pretend friend, or himself... It was a person only he could see. Children are born psychic, they see things us adults can't see, why? Cause their minds aren't tainted yet.
  I use to be a skeptic, I would laugh at you if you said you saw a ghost, I believe I explained this already but I was forever changed when I saw the ghost of the teen who hung himself in my friends attic. I was terrified I ran downstairs and started telling my friend about it, and I was about to mention the clothes he was wearing and my friend stopped me and described to a tee what he was wearing. I will never forget that. I wouldn't go up there unless someone else was with me. I am a huge chicken, I know why I am a chicken, cause my mind is tainted. I was raised believing ghosts and spirits are evil. I mean I am brave when it's light out or I am in my room with the light on, if something "falls" or I hear a voice I tell them to talk to me via EVP, or if I am busy and the noises are irritating me I politely ask them to leave. Never piss off a ghost!!! NEVER!!!  Now at night when I am trying to sleep? That is a totally different story, I hear something "fall" I am frozen, I wanna scream but I can't.. After I take a minute to gather courage I jump up and turn on the lights and I politely ask the being to leave and come back in the morning, and usually I am left alone.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A ghost or my dad?

a couple nights ago I was laying in bed. It was a very late night for me. I spent that evening crying from other events that had happened that day plus it was my dads birthday, he died Jan 4th 2003. I was fighting with my fiance and an ex friend decided she was gonna butt her ass into it and made things much worse, see my Fiance tells her everything we talk about. Even very personal stuff.. So last night after winding down I was missing my dad and crying. Begging him to come and see me. His death destroyed me... I went to lay down and on my bed I feel someone sit down next to me in front of me, it's late and the lights are out and it scared the hell out of me. So I jump up, my heart is racing and I am almost frozen in fear. I asked "WHO IS HERE!?!?!" it answered, but the voice was so low I only knew it was a man voice, the history with ghosts here is they're all women. Other than that I couldn't hear what he said. Time for an EVP prolly tomorrow evening I am too tired tonight. I will figure out how to post it here or the very least on YouTube then link it. So anyways  I was freaked out and a sat straight up, it took a minute but I shook it off and laid back down got comfortable and something touched my leg, something cold pushed down on my blanket and touched my leg. I jumped back up. I went into the front room and woke up my fiance (or whatever he is to me now) and told him I was scared and can he please lay down with me (don't ask) and (don't worry) he wouldn't he didn't care if I was scared he told me to grab my black cat and go to bed, so I did. His purring relaxes me. As we both lied there I heard something that sounded like a dish fall under my bed. (I have no dishes in my room) My otherwise sweet purring kitty stopped purring and he arched his back, fluffed out his tail started walking sideways and hissing as he looked up and watched something or one invisible to my eyes. I slept on the couch that night with all the lights on. After then sun came up i went back in my room to try to sleep, as i was walking into my room the radio came on (it has alarm settings) I don't think the alarm settings were on tho. My dads favorite song was on. There are 3 other variations to this song and the 1 I heard yesterday morning is the one that is more rare, the next song was an Elvis song, my dad knew Elvis as a child. (dad from Arkansas and TN) The next 2 songs were his other favorites. Let me sum this up... On my dads 78th birthday (he has been gone almost 9 years he died at 69) I spent the early morning crying for him, as soon as I stopped crying I got tired, so I went to bed suddenly I am touched 2x by something/one who is very cold. The touch was very gentle (like my dad was) a few hours later I hear 4 songs in a row he loved but songs I rarely ever hear, and to hear them in a row like that.. It had to be him...... That's ass for now I am so tired... it's spell check then bed. Good night all
Edit 10-18 Ahhhhahahahaha I reread this and I wrote "Well that's ass for now" lmao!! I meant that's ALL for now!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Voices in the night

I have had some odd experiences in this apt over the last few days! I have a program on my laptop called "SoundPad" it's a great program and is one of my faves! You can get it on CNet downloads search for Soundpad

  I did some recording in my bedroom while there was no one home, everything was either unplugged or off, it was silent here. My neighbor was not home, and no one was outside...  I hit record on my computer and played it back and heard what sounded like a bunch of people talking very quietly. I wish I knew how to upload it cause it is freaky! It sounds like my bedroom is packed with spirits. I have caught EVP's of mainly women, and 1 male, like I wrote in my last blog. I caught, on a later EVP, a child who said very clearly "MAMA"! I caught breathing (woman).. I think I know who the woman is, I suspect it's a friends mother who died, cause we started seeing shadows and hearing voices (all 3 of us) the morning she died. So far to date none of the spirits have tried to harm us. They play tricks, the day I caught the EVP that sounded like several people talking softly, mid EVP the playback stopped on it's own, we have had things come up missing, and things being thrown at us. My son got smacked in the eye with a full pack of cigarettes, we have a fire place and the mantle is about 8-10 inches in width, the cigs were towards the wall and were no where near the edge of the mantle and they flew off like someone smacked them off. We all saw it happen, at the same time my cat  freaked out, I was and still am use to the spirits and I got pissed! I told them not to do that again!! They listened cause they never did that again! 

  The last time I wrote on this subject I thought I may have had a demon, I think I was also stoned (which I am not now). I saw shadows at night on my walls and I just felt scared, and like I was gonna die.. So I got me some sage, and some protection  stones and what ever it was is gone now and has not returned.. If you don't know what sage is for I will be happy to explain just leave a comment. 

  All I really wanted originally was to see my dad, that was it, I did not expect others to come...