Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Demon and the ghost {true story I swear!!}

First let me warn you that I am totally stoned right now, so I may sound off. BUT this is 100% truth and I was fine the night this all happened.

 So I was in my bedroom when I decided to watch some paranormal stuff on TV, first it was Ghost Hunters, but that got boring, very boring. So I looked thru the comments and saw many other people had listed a show named Paranormal State to be a good and real show about the paranormal. I very quickly became very addicted to this show, and that's when it begun. Stuff kept falling to the floor when it shouldn't have, doors opened on their own, I started hearing weird noises at night, and my cats started acting very strange. My 2 cats are very sweet cats, Ive never ever heard them hiss at anything or anyone until that night. every since then I have felt hands on my neck, had my hair pulled and had the words "get out" whispered in my ear, I have felt them looking at me, I have seen shadows, and this thing or demon feels evil, the ghost, who is a female child in her teens is a big joker, and plays a lot. 
  The only reason I even know it's a girl is because of a couple o EVP's I recorded. I used my editing software to isolate the words and I heard "Nor" 3x and a crumpling of paper. What could the word "NOR" mean? I will have to google it. It could be "ignore" or "NO" or Nora... I have no clue. 

  The demon scares me. I have seen his shadows, and felt his presence next to me. Someone shakes my bed at night and pulls my hair. I am not sure who it is.....
Hindsight: Pretty well written for being stoned off my ass...